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 Web Analytics

Web Traffic Analytics and Real-Time Engagement in One Platform

The customer experience (CX) is one of the most important factors in the business world. Running an online business without paying attention to web traffic analytics would be like having a retail store and never opening the register to count your money or never, ever doing your inventory.

Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022
 Push Notifications

WEB Push Notifications Are Finally on Safari: How Big Change Is This Going to Make?

Web push notifications are one of the most effective tools in any marketer’s inventory. Their biggest flaw of this engagement method was that Safari, the most commonly used browser on iOS, did not allow them. Well, starting in October 2022, this will change forever, and, to make matters even more interesting, it’s speculated that Safari will be the first of many browsers to follow suit. In other words, this update regarding the web push notifications might represent a proper revolution when it comes to iOS-targeted marketing.

Thursday, Nov 10, 2022