Ocamba 2022 RECAP

Gratitude to our clients and partners
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
Thank you for successful cooperation in the past year. We value your trust and confidence in us and sincerely appreciate you! We constantly strive to improve Ocamba and create new solutions through your suggestions.

Appreciation to Our Team
“None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful.” – Mother Teresa

Each day we grow stronger with new team members who contribute to productivity. Together we celebrated dozens of birthdays, as well as every other significant event in the lives of our colleagues.
Certainly, most team members will agree that our Team Building trip to Antalya was the crown of the whole year. Before leaving for Antalya, we organized voting for the best colleagues who were announced and awarded during the trip. It is well known that a happy team is a productive team, so we make sure to keep the fun flowing with cocktail nights to shake things up, nights under the stars to remind us to look up and dream big, and dance parties until sunrise.
Besides enjoying the seaside with music and cocktails, we also had the opportunity to try out sports and lottery games, winning valuable awards. Of course, we also followed the long-standing karaoke tradition where all new employees sang their favorite song. We are sure this trip will remain in our memories for a long time!

All these memorable moments contributed to a better understanding of new and older members of our team, establishing better communication and future cooperation.
“If you continue to think the way you have always thought, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always got. Is it enough?” – Paul Meyer

This year, we attended three significant Affiliate World Global conferences - in Dubai, Barcelona, and Bangkok, which were very successful and excellent opportunities to network with marketers from around the globe.
Those familiar with digital marketing know that AW conferences are definitely the biggest events of the year when it comes to digital marketing.
Our marketing team met some of the leading experts in the field, as well as partake in great content and an incredibly positive atmosphere.
Ocamba was growing from one conference to another, gathering information about the most essential features a platform must have so we can offer a technology that works for you.
We also participated in the world conference held in Belgrade for the first time this year - SIGMA. This conference is a global leader in the world of iGaming. Our colleague, Uroš Kenić, presented the value of Ocamba technology as a speaker at a conference attended by influential people from the world of digital marketing.
As a result of participation in all these events, we successfully made numerous important contacts. Some of them have already turned into meaningful partnerships, while others are on their way to becoming so.
Through these interactions, we were able to introduce more and more people to the importance of including technology solutions such as Ocamba into their business strategies to add enormous value with staying competitive in the industry and increasing profit.
We look forward to the following conferences, where we will work together to learn, share knowledge and establish new partnerships through Ocamba.
“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint Exupery

We’ve been working hard to improve Ocamba by constantly developing and refining various features. As a result, we’ve successfully added more than 30 new features to the platform. It is especially important to mention the following:
Push App is replaced by Hood App with complete web analytics and push notifications in one app for smarter customer engagement.
Hood - Tags Manager - Tags manager shows a list of all your domains inventory, which may have in itself a set of different apps.
Hood Dashboard is an improved Push Dashboard that enables visualization and tracking of data and statistics.
The Users tab is now enhanced with more detailed visitor/subscriber data so you can track more detailed user engagement.
New Time Segmenting in the Audience tab enables a specific campaign to be displayed in the desired time fragment.
New Display zone-type for showing display ads and affecting brand awareness and customers’ purchase intention presenting an essential part of digital marketing strategy.
The new pricing model CPV (Cost per view) is a new pricing model where an advertiser pays each time a user views an ad.
The feed integration process goes more easily and quickly.
The Manager is a new platform App where you can see basic information about the company (Company tab), track finances, and use of individual apps (Billing Card). It consists of the following:
- Media Library Tab that represents an inventory of all user image files that the user can upload and use when creating notifications
- Accounts tab that is used to allocate resources for partners
- Automations Tab that contains a list of all automations
- Manager Settings Tab where the platform configuration is done
The Activity tab is now available in both Adex and Hood app and tracks all activities within the platform that are recorded only for v2 endpoints.
Hood Designer Reports are improved reports with more detailed statistics tracking.
Custom prompts for web apps with a possibility to choose custom prompts, including Push slide prompt, Subscribe notification bell, Native prompt, Link, and Custom HTML, and engage your users.
With new Custom Repeat Execution in schedulers, it’s possible to send a notification based on how you configure “Repeat On” fields in Minutes, Hours, Days, Months, and Weekdays.
Updated statuses for Tags, Campaign creatives, Zones, Schedulers, Accounts, External Demand.
Bid Omit Feature in zones allows you to determine if the bid value will be omitted from the bid response.
New Internal sort by bid and external sort by MAB campaign algo is available on Push and Native zones. It works by sorting internal campaigns by highest bid and external campaigns by the multi-armed bandit.
New QPS fields in External Demands where you can define query per second for Amsterdam, New York, and Singapore data centers. The number you define will represent the number of responses in one second. New Bid Strategies - external bid multiply and external bid add.
- external_bid_multiply - the original value from the bid floor from the request or the zone is multiplied by the value from the “Value” part of the external campaign.
- external_bid_add - the original value from the bid floor from the request or the zone is added to the value from the “Value” part of the external campaign.
- Automations in the Manager tab is a list of previously created automations with basic information.
and much more!
New Year Celebration
“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.” —Vern McLellan

The year is completed with a New Year Party because when you have amazing team members, not a single gathering can pass without good fun. We’re grateful for their hard work and dedication, and these celebration moments help strengthen our bond and make us an even more effective team moving forward.
Every year, we have a special program where Santa Claus comes to visit and brings New Year’s gifts for our youngest members- children of the employees. It’s a tradition that we all look forward to, and the kids absolutely love it. There is no greater excitement than seeing all those smiles while sitting on Santa’s lap and getting loads of sweets.
Goals for 2023.

Each year is bringing us more success, which is very much appreciated. Together with you, we have accomplished so much and are proud of all we’ve achieved. As we look ahead to 2023, we’re excited about the new projects, features, and challenges.
As we close out the year, we want to take a moment to wish you and your loved ones the very best during the holiday season. We hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable break with your family and friends, and we look forward to continuing our journey together in the new year. We wish you great holidays and a Happy New Year!